Mario Bermúdez Apps

Aptitud Numérica 1.1.1
Millions of tests and drills on Numerical Aptitude
Geometría - Realidad Aumentada 1.1.4
Augmented Reality geometry, solids in the palm of your hand.
Isometrics 1.2.8
isometric perspectives as you had not encountered before.
Califica Bien 2- Calcula Notas 2.1.5
Calculates notes easier and faster. Rate good 2.
Votaciones Estudiantiles 2.1.9
Voting for the election of student representative and comptroller
Uno mas Uno 1.2.22
A different way of studying math
Xtreme Math Video Game 2.0.7
Este videojuego es diseñado con el fin de complementar lapropuestade tesis de Maestría en Tecnologías de la Informaciónaplicadas ala educación de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional enBogot,a,Colombia.
Razonamiento Numérico 1.0.4
Application focused on analysis of tables, figures, graphics ...among others.
Saber 11, Saber 9, Saber 7 3.1.17
Millions of type math drills: Saber 11, 9, 7 and National Police.